Madeline Lynne BAUBLES…where to begin?! So, here’s the scoop about us…we are a mother-daughter duo living in the heart of Minneapolis with the rest of our family…Super Dad, 2 older brothers, and 2 little puppers, Josie & Katie. “Madzo” (a.k.a. Maddie, or Madeline Lynne) is in Middle School, and I (Sarah) am a 40-something mom on the go, go, go! We love all things creative and GIRLY…and sorta can’t sit still!! So, when Maddie isn’t playing tennis or at Starbucks with her friends, and I’m not doing my real estate gig or driving carpool, we LOVE to get the creative vibe going! Together, we’ve created these fun, sassy, global treasures that we know you’ll love! We hope that when you wear these colorful accessories, your light will shine!

We are so grateful you are here. Thank you for shopping with us!

Sarah & Maddie
Madeline Lynne BAUBLES
